Dr. Alan and Mary Beth Phillips

Friday, September 27, 2013


REPUBLICANS, FIX BAYONETS! A NEW LOOK AT CONTINUING RESOLUTIONS, C.R.’S Pat Buchanan has suggested the following use of continuing resolutions in funding the federal government. His idea in today’s WND is tremendously relevant to those who want to defund Obamacare, "If Obama vetoes any continuing resolution funding the government that does not contain Obamacare, who is shutting down the government then? Who is putting the U.S. economy at risk to protect a bollixed program the American people do not want and Congress would never approve if they voted on it today? What House Republicans have lacked is not courage, but a political and communications strategy. Having provided a continuing resolution to fund the government, except Obamacare, the House should next begin passing CRs – one for each department. A CR to fund defense and veterans affairs. A CR to fund state, the CIA and Homeland Security. A CR for justice, transportation, energy, etc. One every day. Would Harry Reid refuse to fund the U.S. Army and Navy unless John Boehner’s House stuffs Obamacare into the defense budget?”… Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/09/republicans-fix-bayonets/#YvPcqqASCyUvPU3L.99 Dr. Alan Phillips, Sr.

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