Dr. Alan and Mary Beth Phillips

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

op ed sent to ny times

OP ED ADVICE FROM GRAND PARENTS, TELL THE TRUTH With Washington D.C. now having to deal with issues of I.R.S. problems and probing questions of impropriety, Associated Press inappropriate reporter interrogation and intimidation, Benghazi truth examination in Congressional forums, and even additional unanswered questions, the elevation of truthfulness is paramount if America is to once again enjoy effectiveness and credibility on a global stage. Truth seeking is the only right answer if we truly desire to eradicate political and moral confusion in the land. At this moment it seems the blame game is at high tide in Washington, D.C. Blame is a factor in seeking the truth of any matter be it controversy or political question, yet honesty’s recognition is to primarily help assure all citizens that improprieties will not happen again. Responsibility for actions of malfeasance must be punished through accountability but understood as to their origins. Yet, what is the answer to restoration of a legal ethos which has often served America as an example to others? It must be the discovery of truth by Americans in discovering why today’s maladies occurred in the first place. If we can determine the why of exuberance leading to line crossing we can prevent by mutual agreement dangerous actions from being repeated by anyone in government service. I would hope that patient truth seeking will lead us as a nation to a model of integrity and truthfulness affecting all those in leadership responsibility regardless of political persuasion. Perhaps in this age of digital marvel, traditional old fashion values can both prevail and lead us to higher and nobler actions. Placing truth on a pedestal of priority would be a beginning for America. Alan and Mary Phillips Bloomington, IL

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