Dr. Alan and Mary Beth Phillips

Friday, March 29, 2013

American policy makers must also make it clear to the Chinese and the Russians that although our quarrel is not with them we will react to North Korea's belligerance and threat with an immediate response. This rogue, starve the people nation must now feel the brunt of a response should they attack this country or any of our allies. The President must realize that he has the support from most Americans to deal with these threats and actions. When it comes to an attack on this land I will support the President of the United States in responding to these irrational threats and actions. The United States must take the threats of North Korea seriously. This rogue, isolated and war threatening regime will attack our nation with whatever is available to them. We need to prepare to respond overwhelmingly to them. We must destroy their military resources totally. We dare not fail to respond to their attack plans with massive force. They have laid the track for their total decimation due to their isolation. Dr. Alan Phillips, Sr.

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