Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013CNSNews.TV By Charlie Daniels If you read this column very often you know the frustration and disgust I feel for our government, their profligate spending, their all consuming passion for self-preservation, and the inevitable fall at the end of the ruinous path they seem so determined to force this nation down. You know I'm deeply concerned about the rapid erosion of personal liberty and our president's cavalier attitude toward the Constitution and consolidation of power into a monolithic central, federal government, a bureaucratic nightmare that makes and enforces the rules, controlling even the administration of health care and the curriculum our children will study in school. I fear the rampant apathy and lackadaisical work ethic of the entitlement society will become so deeply ingrained in the coming generations that the nanny state policies of this president and others like him who are likely to be elected will gradually drain the wealth and the will of the population until the well is bone dry and the confusion and anger of those who are suddenly left to fend for themselves will overrun the streets of this nation resulting in chaos and bloodshed. I fear that this nation and this planet are in the midst of a great apostasy, or falling away from belief and faith in God as cults, false prophets and faddish feel-good religions pop up and capture the attention of many. Even some of the old-line Christian denominations have tried to modernize their doctrine, bending the curve to accept things that are forbidden in the Bible, conveniently ignoring or subverting scriptures that fly in the face of the new age dogma they now embrace. Anti-Semitism is on the rise around the world and while Islamic fanatics scream about the destruction of the State of Israel, the dominos in the Middle East fall one by one, with only the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan preventing the fulfillment of the ancient biblical prophecy that Jerusalem would be surrounded by armies. Yes, I am very concerned about Israel. It is not the land of my birth, but when I became a Christian I was grafted into the root of Israel like a wild olive branch grafted on to a full-grown tree. The Bible says that salvation comes to the world through the Jews, the race of people by which the Creator of all mankind chose to reveal Himself to the world, the race into which my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was born, the land where He would live and die on a cross for our sins. How could any true Christian not be concerned? Street gangs, flash mobs, drug cartels, incurable diseases, wholesale abortion the tearing down of traditional marriage and nuclear families, child molestation, the belittling of American exceptionalism, the export of manufacturing and jobs, murder, rape, home invasions, it's enough to give a person a nervous breakdown, but then I have to stop and think. This world is just a short stop, only a testing ground on my eternal journey. Any earthly leader or government, no matter how pervasive and powerful are only temporary place holders who will eventually pass into oblivion and be reduced to dust. Israel will be battered and bloody but will never be completely destroyed and 85% of the vast armies allied against her in the final battle will be annihilated in the Jezreel Valley near Megiddo, known as Armageddon. This earth with all its awesome military might, pompous politicians, mega-rich magnates and all the evil the powers of darkness can bring to bear are no more than a grain of sand compared to the indescribable power of the One who created the planets and flung them out across endless space, He who can part the sea and make the sun stand still. Only One is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, He is everywhere, He knows everything and He can do anything. And yet in all His Majestic might, he cares for you to the point that He knows the number of hairs on your head. His name is God, Jehovah, Yahweh, Dios to Spanish speakers, Gott to the Germans and so on, but He does have, always has had and always will have the last word and be the final judge in the affairs of mankind. He will write the final pages of history. We will all stand before Him and give account for our lives, every king, every president, every dictator, every super star, every human being. Lord, please help me to keep my confidence in You and my mind on eternal things to come. Amen. What do you think? Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem. God Bless America Charlie Daniels
Friday, January 25, 2013
•America has given so much to everyone and their families, Any honest candidate for national office should welcome the opportunity to repay the nation with sacrificial service through,
Restoring the founders vision of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to all living in this great country,
Creating and restoring all the jobs lost in recent years to the nation and its workers,
Providing all who live in this great land crime free streets, schools, parks, cities and towns which serve as beacons of hope and a bright future,
Lowering taxes, eliminating unnecessary regulations, and providing a government which is limited in size, scope and control over the rights of Americans to work, play, and live in security free from international and domestic threats of terrorism,
•What should be the goals for America?
As a nation we need to restore the promise of a better day for our citizens, our children and grandchildren. Any grandparent wants their grandchildren to experience what is achievable with strong determination and work in this great land.
Freedom for all citizens to achieve and realize their dreams fulfilled through hard work
A government that promotes the personal freedom of all it's
citizens by removing unnecessary roadblocks to personal achievement through excessive regulation and growth in size
A new commitment to American individualism and prominence in the world
A nation that keeps its word to assist those countries committed to helping their citizens to achieve prosperity and freedoms based on democratic ideals
A nation that supports its military in protecting and defending the nation from international terrorism
A nation that’s supports entrepreneurs, small and large businesses, free enterprise and the creation at home of twenty five million new jobs in three years
A nation which promotes patriotism through community service and strong support of individual effort on a daily basis for all to experience the American dream
A nation where all workers keep more of their pay as government taxes and debt are reduced and the budget is balanced
A government that elevates honesty and integrity as major components of American society.
Alan G. Phillips, Sr.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
The gun debate is being argued in many places throughout segments of the nation. These arguments are occurring in the midst of state and local laws that have been designed and adopted for greater and more prolific statutes that have often failed to protect Americans from misuse and death. These restrictions have not worked and its wishful thinking to think they will. “The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed, being necessary to the security of a free state.” It is past time for government to enforce the existing law against law breakers, not merely to pass more nonworking statutes.
Dr. Alan G. Phillips, Sr.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
A person or object of fame or being celebrated can often be designated a good moral, ethical, honest entity to be honored with compliment an appreciation. Yet, there are some to whom this fourteenth century noun is applied that must be labeled less than honorable. Americans tend to honor most objects of fame whatever the resulting ethical judgment.
One reading the recent Drudge news report can take note of a variety of ascriptions. The June 10th note that former President William Jefferson Clinton has been named by an organization as “father of the year” is I submit most interesting when viewed from almost any person’s perspective. Reviewing this year’s omission of famous baseball celebrity players from the Hall of Fame nominees list also commands attention and focus on the sport’s alleged drug problem.
Some in our societal ethos are so mesmerized over meeting or thinking about a highlighted celebrity that faulty rationalism takes command of one’s senses and inaccurate ascriptions of honor and fame are less than accurate and honest. Celebrity defects can be overlooked in certain profiles of politicians, judges, movie stars, television personalities, athletes, coaches, singers and most objects of pseudo veneration. Although increased age and education can refine fame recognition and evaluation even that background often fails many among us in evaluating highlighted celebrity figures.
I propose that each of us expand our horizons to include a much broader focus for this noun celebrity. It’s perfectly fine to continue our inclusion of famous human celebrities but what about including our beloved pets as well. We certainly are well educated when it comes to their strengths and weaknesses. Only recently my son, his wife and family lost their beloved dachshund of fourteen plus years. Addie was a true celebrity not only by evaluation of friends but the experience of mom, dad, and a young family. Even we grandparents loved and honored this little lady—in my opinion a deserving celebrity. I present her true story written by her dad, a devoted admirer.
Alan G. Phillips, Sr.
Addie Takes Charge
Young couple, one month married,
Time for their very first pet,
“Perhaps a dog or a cat?”
Not a firm decision yet.
“Weenie dogs are really cute,
You’ll really like their size.
Short hair smooth, long ears floppy,
Irresistible brown eyes.”
Nothing at the local pound,
Except a “tiny” great Dane,
“Shoveling that manure,
Though, could cause our backs some
Exploring local papers,
Wondering where we should go,
“At last one dachshund for sale
In the Riverton, Bureau.”
Richard Wagner, mailman
Selling his puppies homegrown,
Playing toys with each other,
None with mean-spirited bone.
A circle around each eye,
Fuzzy bunny in her mouth
“Addie” leaps into our lives,
And starts the journey down south.
Bloomington an hour away,
Phone calls begin to be made,
“Look! A raccoon with babies!
Come see our new dog displayed”
Into the house Addie marched,
Taking her place on the throne,
She played all night with string balls,
Gnawing a favorite wish bone.
“So where does a dachshund sleep?
In a box or in our bed?”
Night one her master decides,
Night two to bed she is led.
Reigning as queen of Ardith,
Knowing just what she should do,
Retrieving balls for hours,
Placing them next to a shoe.
Her life was long, fourteen years,
Filled with so many tales
Perhaps a glimpse you might catch,
From these poetic trails.
Trip to Clinton, antique mall,
The drive through at Dairy Queen
Ghirardelli, Chicago,
The Michigan Avenue scene.
A Baker’s Square French silk pie,
Sitting near Doug’s easy chair,
Chomped it down lickety split
Doing it with “savoir faire.”
January, ninety-nine,
St. Louis, thirty below,
“Walk outside? Are you kidding?
On Alan’s coat I will go.”
In our yard, a hoagie roll
Like manna fell from the skies,
Clamped it down between her jaws,
Determined to keep her prize.
Too many tales to tell,
But even good stories end,
Here are a few more snap shots,
Odes to a furry old friend.
Summertime meant grass on her back,
Butter with corn if you please,
Rolling in rabbit doogie,
Yet somehow avoiding flees.
Drinking water made her hack,
Pluck her belly, hear the goose.
A hotdog on Halloween,
The only time she broke loose.
Friend to all dogs, East and West,
But Audrie was her best pal,
Accomplice in chasing squirrels,
At fences digging canals.
She’d shake to get a cookie,
Chomp, chomp went the crocodile.
“Be Easy, Addie! Easy!”
See how the dachshund smiles.
Under the covers she went,
Always a blow hole appeared,
Like Shaw shank bored through Sherpa,
There’s nothing she ever feared.
Her energy was endless,
Except when taking a walk,
She never liked grass when wet,
Nor jingles around the block.
But saying “Goodbye” is hard,
Knowing that she was our first,
Sharing memories with us,
The best of life at its worst.
So thank you Addie Paddie,
By you our lives were blessed,
In Heav’n now chasing ballies
All playtime without a rest.
*Addie was born on April 30, 1998 and died January 3, 2013, while we were visiting Karrah’s family in Provo, UT. She passed quietly while sleeping in bed (with us!). She was Rick and Karrah Phillips’ first dog and long-time friend of the dachshund Audrie, more recently of the dachshund
Monday, January 7, 2013
We are all beginning a new year filled with many surprises some pleasant and other experiences disappointing. Yet the nation persists with it's Constitution and the freedoms we are guaranteed. This great country remains the best hope of the world for those still looking for a new day. People of the world seek freedom's gift constantly and the hope it brings to all willing and able to dream. America is still enduring in spite of domestic and global trials. In God We Trust is not simply an inscription for our coins- -but also for our hearts. Keep faith in America whatever you hear.
Dr. Alan G. Phillips, Sr.
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